January 31, 2021

January 31, 2021                                                                                                          9:30 A.M.

Prelude………………………………………… Lead Me, Lord…………………………………………………….

Sweet Hour of Prayer;  Prayer for Peace


Welcome and Announcements…………………………………………………………………………………….

Call to Worship………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Opening Prayer………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


*Sing…………………………………….. Jesus, Firm Foundation……………………………………………..

*Sing………………………………………….. Jesus Paid It All……………………………………………………

Anthem………………………. Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying…………………………………..

Congregational Prayer………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Scripture, read by Alexis Vos…………………………….. Psalm 27:4, 8; Mark 11:12-14, 20-24

Pew Bibles – page 865; 1573-1574

Sermon……………………………………………. “Prayer”………………………………………………………..

Series:  Little things that make a BIG difference



*Sing………………………….. Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying…………………………………..


Offering, as you leave…………………………………………………………………………… General Fund

*Postlude ……………………………… Jesus, Firm Foundation……………………………………………..

Pastor:  Paul Bradford; Prelude Pianist:  Ruth Stevenson
Worship Team; Jon Golliet – Worship Leader
Men’s Ensemble, Phyllis De Vries – Pianist, Barbara Boertje DeVries – Director

* = Please stand if able.


OFFERINGSFebruary 7:  Rehoboth  February 14: World Renew
February 21: Christian Education Fund

NURSERY: February 7: Arlys Veenstra, Katie Magnussen

TODAY:   Church School will not meet today.

NEXT SUNDAY:  The Lord’s Supper is planned to be celebrated on February 7.

OUR CHURCH FAMILY: We rejoice at the birth of a healthy boy, Bennett Thomas, on January 23 to Jon and Nicole Yoder.  We thank God for this great gift!

“Thanks to the congregation for the cards and calls for my birthday.  Looking forward to meeting together again in the future.  God is good.  All the time.  All the time.  God is good.” – Ray Veenstra
“Thank you for all the birthday wishes and cards that I received.  They were much appreciated.” – Ester Van Gent

“Our hearts are full of gratitude for your kindness of food, flowers, cards, visits, kind words, and prayers for our family after our loss.  Thank you to Pastor Paul, Darrell Boot and the rest of the congregation for your prayers, visits, and words of comfort.” – Jerry Branderhorst and Family

You are a Blessing!  Thank you for your church’s prayer and financial support.  Your ministry shares pledge of $19,880 is an encouragement to those working in mission on your behalf at the Christian Reformed Church.  We could not impact the world through missions, media, and church development without your incredible and faithful prayers and financial support.  TO discover more about the work you support visit crcna.org/ministryshares.”  Jeffrey Bolt, CRCNA

MONDAY:  The Council is planning to meet on February 1 at 6:30 p.m.

WEDNESDAY:  Cadets will meet from 7:00-8:30 p.m. at the Gym

Adult Choir will meet from 7:15-8:15 p.m.

NURSERY: The nursery will be open again starting February 7.

LIVE VIDEO: During this morning’s service a live video with audio of the service is projected on a large screen TV in the Fellowship Hall in the basement for parents or others who need to leave during the service.  Restrooms are available downstairs.  Our services are also live streamed and recorded each Sunday on YouTube, bit.ly/Pella2.

OFFERING:  Our offering today will go to the “General Fund”.  Our offering February 7 will go to “Rehoboth”.   Undesignated cash or check offerings go towards the mission or organization of the week.  If you desire to contribute to Second Christian Reformed Church and its ministries, simply write “Pella 2” on the memo line of your check. You can also give online by scanning the QR code to the right or by going online to pella2crc.breezechms.com/give/online.

For those not in attendance for any reason, the below options will remain available:

  1. Online – By logging into Breeze and clicking “Give Now” any member can donate through ACH transfer or Credit/Debit Card.
  2. Mail – Checks may be mailed to the church (Second Christian Reformed Church, 609 East 1st St., Pella, IA 50219). Please indicate “Attention Deacons” on the envelope.
  3. Drop Off – Donations may be dropped off in the slot in the deacon door at the base of the NW stairs. The door on the southwest side of the church is planned to be open during office hours. Feel free to call ahead (628-2966) to make sure the door is unlocked.

PELLA FAITH CRC is offering a Sunday evening class entitled: “What happens after death?”  This six-week class will cover  topics such as a biblical view of the present heaven and the new heaven and new earth to come, hell, death and dying and the second coming of Jesus.   Led by Pastor Dale Slings, it will be a teaching/discussion format beginning  February 7th at 6:00 PM.  We will maintain safe church practices.   All are welcome.   Please register by email:  Pastor@faithcrcpella.org

PELLA FOOD SHELF is looking for volunteers for (1) Walmart pick-up on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 1:00-3:00 p.m.  Must be able to lift 50 lbs. or more.  Best to have a partner.  (2) help at the Shelf with clients sacking food, registration or some other tasks on Tuesday mornings 7:45-9:30.  Call them at 780-1779 if you are interested in helping with either of these.

TRAVEL UPDATE: “Dear family and friends, Tia’s passport did not arrive in time for the January UN World Food Programme flight, however we were able to get on the February WFP flight (possibly the last one available). Lord willing, we leave Milwaukee February 21, transiting through Chicago, then on to Doha, Qatar, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and finally to Port Moresby on the 24th.  A few more hurdles include getting approval from Papua New Guinea to do our 2 week quarantine in Ukarumpa in our own home rather than in Port Moresby, and prior to our flight on the 21st we all need to test negative for COVID-19.  Thank you so much for your prayers as we continue to move forward. We are looking forward to seeing friends and colleagues in PNG and continuing our Wycliffe ministry there.  Love and blessings, Doug, Benita and Tia”


Dessert Dash:  818 Forward With Faith would like to invite you to their annual Dessert Dash on February 12. This event will be held at Pella Christian High School with all proceeds for this year’s event going toward the construction of a women’s home at 306 Columbus.  Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. with punch and appetizers served. We are thrilled to share that Jennifer Diers will be the speaker for this event. Jen serves as an associate professor and chair of the Education Department at Central College. Following a trip to Sierra Leone, Africa, Doug and Jen began a journey in adoption, special needs, and saying YES to Christ. They have eight children, Kobe-21, Luke-19, Esther – 19 Faith- 18, Sarah – 16,  Emmanuel – 14, Lucy -13, and Grace – 11. Three of their girls have major medical needs.  Please RSVP to this event on our website at www.forwardwithfaith.org under “Upcoming Events” or email us at contact@forwardwithfaith.org with names and how many will attend. We look forward to seeing you there! Thanks for your support!



GROUNDWORK:  Prayer – You know Christians are supposed to pray, but do you ever wonder how to pray or why we pray?  Study Jeremiah 9:12-13, Philippians 4:4-7, Psalm 66, and Matthew 6:9-13 with Groundwork to better understand the spiritual discipline of prayer and learn how we can cultivate this practice in our daily lives.  Listen at GroundworkOnline.com

KIDS CORNER:  God Is There – David wrote Psalm 139 to remind himself of the truth that God never left him alone.  You can know that God is with you because He promises to be with you in His Word.  Listen at kidscorner.net.

AT-HOME FAITH FORMATION TIP – The Practice of Engaging Scripture:  Retelling Bible stories together helps those stories “stick”, especially for kids.  Check out the one-page resource 5 Ways to Retell a Bible Story with Kids (tinyurl.com/5WaysRetell) for ideas.

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