January 17, 2021

January 17, 2021                                                                                                          9:30 A.M.

Prelude………………………………… Change My Heart, O God…………………………………………….

Grace Alone

Be Still and Know

In Times Like These


Welcome and Announcements…………………………………………………………………………………….

Call to Worship………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Opening Prayer………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Anthem……………………….. The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power……………………………………

*Sing…………………………………….. Holy Spirit, Rain Down………………………………………………

*Sing…………………………………… This Is My Father’s World…………… Celebration #143:1,3

Congregational Prayer………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Sing……………………………………………….. Way Maker……………………………………………………….


Scripture, read by Dan Schreur……………………………………………………… 2 Corinthians 6:3-7

Pew Bibles – pages 1799-1800

Sermon……………………………………………. “Actions”……………………………………………………….

Series:  Little things that make a BIG difference



*Sing……………………………. Yet Not I, But Through Christ in Me…………………………………….


Offering, as you leave…………………………………………………………. New Life Prison Ministry


Pastor: Paul Bradford; Organist: Joyce Boender; Adult Choir, Debbie Nelson – Pianist, Barbara Boertje DeVries – Director; Worship Team, Worship Leader – Jon Golliet

* = Please stand if able.


OFFERINGSJanuary 24:  Ministry Shares; January 31:  General Fund

TODAY:   Church School meets from 10:45-11:05 today.


Welcome: The Council welcomes Bernard and Lois Beekhuizen with children Eric and Amy as members of our congregation.  Their transfers of membership from Faith CRC in Pella were received with thanksgiving.  We pray for God’s blessings upon their family.

WEDNESDAY:  Cadets will meet from 7:00-8:30 p.m.

MEN’S ENSEMBLE: All men interested in singing in the Men’s Ensemble on Sunday, Jan. 31, are welcome to practice with us today and next Sunday immediately after worship until no later than 11:30 a.m.  Questions?  See Barbara Boertje DeVries.

PICTURES NEEDED: The Implementation Team is working on content for the new website and is asking for any pictures of church activities within the last two years that could potentially be used.  If you have any pictures to share, please send them to info@pella2crc.org no later than January 24.

LIVE VIDEO: During this morning’s service a live video with audio of the service is projected on a large screen TV in the Fellowship Hall in the basement for parents or others who need to leave during the service.  Restrooms are available downstairs.  Our services are also live streamed and recorded each Sunday on YouTube, bit.ly/Pella2.

OFFERING:  Our offering today will go to the “New Life Prison Ministry”.  Our offering January 24 will go to QR Code“Ministry Shares”.   Undesignated cash or check offerings go towards the mission or organization of the week.  If you desire to contribute to Second Christian Reformed Church and its ministries, simply write “Pella 2” on the memo line of your check. You can also give online by scanning the QR code to the right or by going online to pella2crc.breezechms.com/give/online.

For those not in attendance for any reason, the below options will remain available:

  1. Online – By logging into Breeze and clicking “Give Now” any member can donate through ACH transfer or Credit/Debit Card.
  2. Mail – Checks may be mailed to the church (Second Christian Reformed Church, 609 East 1st St., Pella, IA 50219). Please indicate “Attention Deacons” on the envelope.
  3. Drop Off – Donations may be dropped off in the slot in the deacon door at the base of the NW stairs. The door on the southwest side of the church is planned to be open during office hours. Feel free to call ahead (628-2966) to make sure the door is unlocked.

Pella Faith CRC is offering a Sunday evening class  entitled;  “What happens after death?”  This six week  class will cover  topics such as a biblical view of the present heaven and the new heaven and new earth to come, hell, death and dying and the second coming of Jesus.   Led by Pastor Dale Slings,  it will be a teaching/discussion format beginning  Feb. 7th at  6:00 PM.  We will maintain safe church practices.  All are welcome.   Please register by email;   Pastor@faithcrcpella.org

Today is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. On January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade invalidated 50 state laws and made abortion legal and available on demand throughout the U.S.  Since then, 61 million babies have been killed in this country.  Abortion was once again the number-one cause of death globally in 2020, with a record 42.7 million babies killed in the womb, according to data provided by Worldometer.  By comparison, worldwide deaths from the coronavirus in 2020 totaled 1.8 million, according to John Hopkins University.  Abortion is the “social justice cause of our time,” since the sheer magnitude completely overshadows other human rights issues.



GROUNDWORK: What makes worship a spiritual discipline? Study 1 Chronicles 15:16-22, Hebrews 10:19-25, Ephesians 5:15-20, and Isaiah 6:1-7 with Groundwork to learn why our pattern of worship matters and how habitually engaging in thoughtful, intentional, and Trinitarian worship is profoundly formative for our faith and life. Listen at GroundworkOnline.com

KIDS CORNER:  In the Old Testament story, Joseph was thrown into a pit, accused of a crime, went to jail and then survived a famine. Yet he trusted God through all the ups and downs. Listen now at kidscorner.net.

AT-HOME FAITH FORMATION TIP – The Practice of Engaging Scripture: N.T. Wright wrote, “Reading and studying Scripture [is] central to how we grow in the love of God.” This coming week, start each day by reading 1 Corinthians 13 and praying that God’s love will flow through you to others.

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