Mission and Vision
“Building courageous, authentic Christ followers.”
Each word of our mission statement was carefully chosen.
Building: God is the One who builds the church; we are obedient to be His instruments
in this building process.
Courageous: Courage is not the absence of fear but the triumph over it. Jesus has
promised we can do all things through Him, who gives us strength.
Authentic: It’s time to get real with ourselves and others. We know that in our scars others
will find healing; in our weakness, strength; in our fears, courage.
Christ Followers: Christ is our model in all things. Becoming more like Him every day
is our goal and sharing the great gift He has given is our mission.
Cornerstone Church is a congregation of the Christian Reformed Church of North America (CRCNA). We are committed to the doctrinal statements of the CRCNA. You can view our doctrinal statement and learn more about the CRCNA at crcna.org. In addition to maintaining a commitment to gospel-centered ministry, we also gladly affirm the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dort as historic Reformed expressions of the Christian faith which fully support the word of God.